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Five Vermont Gardens:
Diana Beattie's Garden
Tuesday, 11 June 2019
As we drive to the second of today's garden visits Jill tells me a little about Diana Beattie. She apparently has energy that puts the energizer bunny to shame. On the go from early morning till dark. She is also a professional interior decorator with superb taste. We drive up just as Diana is getting out of her car. She's painting some lattice for a new trellis and had to run back to the store for more paint. The three of us and Fudge the dog walk behind the house and view a sweep of lawn and the shrub / flower border.
Originally filled with Bishop's gout weed, roots down to who knows where,
Diana finally had the site excavated, new soil brought in, and started fresh.
So much space to fill, she was advised to use shrubs at the rear. He thought
nine or so. Diana sort of tripled that. Loves viburnums, and has several kinds.
Look close and you can see the green twine with which the clematis has been
gently fastened to the trellis, both for more support and to give it some shaping.
Diana wasn't sure what this plant was. I'd go for ligularia of some type. Once home,
a reverse Google image search came up with cannabis as an answer. I don't think so.
Asked my friend Hilary Clayton, a superb horticulturist and an estate gardener here in
New Jersey. She agreed with ligularia, suggested Ligularia przewalskii 'Dragon Wings'.
And do you know what this is? I'm sure you do when it is
just emerging in spring. This is what asparagus looks like
when it gets to grow up. Airy, feathery, and rather large.
There are wonderful window boxes, lush and spilling over with sweet alyssum
and golden creeping Jenny, assorted pale and deep pink flowers in the back and
fuchsia yarrow in the ground. A little more vivid, the yarrow, than Diana thought.
The daylilies will come into flower soon. But for now there is
an edging of hardy geranium, and the last few nearly black tulips.
This is the framework that will support the lattice trellis which is
being painted. When completed, climbing roses will make use of it.
The conduit on the back will definitely provide sturdy support.
Opposite the trellis and a swimming pool there is a guest cottage.
Where Diana's interior decorating expertise has been well put to use.
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